Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A New Leaf

Welcome one and all to my blog! Last night as I was tiredly trying to come up with a name for this endevor I couldn't stop thinking about my new house in Kansas City. Its a "little green house" at the bottom of the hill on 104th St. Quietly tucked back in a nice neighboorhood, this house will be my home for this next year while at the International House of Prayer in Kansas, City Missouri. After taking a look inside I can only think, what perfect place to start this next season of my life!
The title of my blog not only refers to my wonderful little house, it also aludes to the season of growth I am coming into. As a student at Bethany College of Missions this year, I have continually seen how much I have changed. Still, I know that this is so much more in this refinning process the Holy Sprit is bring me through. I am about to enter a season of exponential growth both musicially and spiritually as I am a student at the Forerunner Music Academy.

I am so excited! Up until two weeks ago I had no place to live. Yet I knew God would provide for me, even if that meant packing up all my belongings and finding a place when I got there. Then I recieved another email from IHOP with an updated housing list. After emailing four possible places, I found myself in communication with the owner of this Little Green House and thats that!

With so much more to say I will end this post with the promise of one to follow soon. I hope this blog will serve as a means to keep you all updated on the goings on in my busy life. Hope to write another post soon!