Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Songs from Heaven

This past week I really been burdened with "missing" people from back home in Minnesota. Though this is not the first year I have been away from home, it is the first time I have ever really lived in another state that's eight hours away from where I used to live. God has been so faithful by finding me a wonderful house to live in, though I still miss so many things of Minnesota.
But even in this "longing for home" I am blessed to have a picture of what my longing for my heavenly home on earth should be.

During Freshmen Choir with Jaye Thomas this past Tuesday the Holy Spirit really ministered to so many of us dealing with missing home.
Jaye told us that the night before he had a dream, in that
dream a student from the Choir was having a discussion with him. This person told Jaye how much they struggled with this ache for their home. When he told us this during Choir he asked if anyone was dealing with this same thing and a few in the Choir raised their hands. We gathered around them and began to pray and sing over them. Throughout this whole time Jaye was playing at the piano, and from what was normal choir rehearsal turned into Holy Spirit ministry time.That day I wasn't really missing home too much, so I began to pray for one of my friends who had had her hand raised. I began to sing over her how she, like Mary, choose the good portion by sitting at the feet of Jesus and simply listening to him speak.

All of a sudden words kept pouring forth in this spontaneous song. At the beginning of this ministry time Jaye told the class if we recieved anything from the Lord, a song, that we should just come up and sing it. While I was singing over my friend the Lord was telling me, "There you go Julia! You got something not go and SHARE IT!". I walked over and told Jaye and our assistant teacher Maurice what the Lord had put upon my heart. Turns out the had just been
talking about what the Lord had put on my heart to sing, so they handed the mic and I began to sing. Oh boy it was crazy good!

That next thursday during one of my classes, my teacher Corey Russell switched up his entire teaching just to spend time talking about the Azuza Street revival in Los Angles during the early 1900's. My heart was stirred with an extra measure of faith as he talked about William Seymore, Charles Parham and Frank Bartleman and their involvment in the
revival. Miracles were taking place at Azuza such like those in the book of Acts, limbs being restored, the fire of the Lord resting upon the building, and an outpouring of the gift of tounges. When class was drawing to a close Corey had a ministry time for those who were called to be revivalists. He spoke about preachers yes, but also musicians with songs of deliverance and hope. Right then my heart stirred with in me and I made my way to the front with others. While Corey was praying over us (we were all praying either in the spirit or in english while he was praying over us) I began to sing softly. Then when he began to call out revival songs, the song that I was singing became louder and louder. My hands began to shake as the words of the Lord poured out of my mouth like rushing water. I sang and sang, my heart in full abandon to the Lord. I sang that we wanted more, a fresh outpouring of the Spirit! I was really loud, the Forerunner Christian Fellowship building (where they have the awakening services) is quite large, though with only 230 people or so it seems even bigger. Despite that fact His voice in mine filled the entire room and people began to sing what I was singing!

He has been pouring out his songs in such a fast rate upon me its hard to even keep up sometimes! I have been so blessed to have equipment that allows me to record what I write
even the day I write it. I set up my keyboard, mic, and amp in the corner of my room which I affectionatly refer to as my little "studio". I absoutley love it there, especially late at night! Something about being alone in my room late at night recording his songs is so powerful to me! One thing I have asked the Lord to do in my songs is to bring more richness in my lyrics. I have always had a hard time just sitting down and writing songs, NOT ANYMORE!! Praise the Lord! Because I am spending more time in the word and meditating even on just a small portion of scripture entire songs are produced! What I love to do the most now, is to turn the messages I hear from teachers like Corey Russell and Shelly Hundley into songs!

I am so excited about what the Lord is doing with in me! Its funny I always have to have my pen an journal I write my songs in near by when I feel a song coming on! I love how the psalmist writes, "My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe"! (Ps 45:1).

IHOP is challenging me but I love where the Lord has placed me. He has surrounded me in such an effectual green house. My roots are beginning to grown deeper in the word as I lift my eyes towards heaven in praise! Just yesterday I got together with a group of guys from my school and we played Jazz and Blues! It was awesome! I am so excited for more jam sessions to come!
Please be praying that:

-Finances continue to come in for the California blitz trip! I will be leaving on Nov. 4th and going to Los Angeles to help with the FIGHT conference. This is an event geared towards college aged students, stirring in them a fire to establish houses of prayer on their campus. The trip will cost $500 and I am hoping to go with a bit more than that to cover anything extra. I have full confidence that the Lord will provide!

-I continue to grow in my understanding.
-That I will have focus to read the word and pray in and out of the prayer room

-Dreams and Visions from heaven!

-More songs to pour forth!

Thank you all so much for taking time to follow me in this new season that the Lord is leading me into! I can't wait to share more with you all!

-Julia Engebretson