Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sleepless in Kansas City

I would have to admit that Corey Russell is right when he says to only take 20min power naps. I will add to that saying that if you sleep too much during the day you will be up at night! Tonight that is exactly what happened with me. After having a very full day this past Tuesday I found myself nearly falling asleep during our Big Small Group time at IHOPU. I was so happy to go back to my house and take a nap. Turns out I fell asleep around 3pm and woke up around 5:20! I haven't had a long nap like this in a while so my entire sleeping schedule is off.
Yet in these late hours (well late for those who have 6am's in the prayer room the next morning) I can't help but wonder if it is an invitation into a life of prayer. One thing I have struggled with these past few years is maintaining a consistent prayer time. Since coming to IHOP this reality becomes even more clear to me. I must now balance time in the prayer room and personal devotion. Though I must have to admit most often I find myself becoming lax and saying that my required hours are the same thing as my quiet time with the Lord.

This morning i was meditating on this very topic of prayer. It's funny because there have been times when I find myself becoming irritated during an intercession set because it's too loud and I am trying to focus on "My" time to read my portion of scripture. Looking back on those times I say to my self, "You should be engaging during this time of prayer! Begin to develop personal devotion out of the prayer room!". Coming to this realization has helped me enter into these times of corporate prayer. Oh Abba help this stubborn child! Holy Spirit set me ablaze on the inside! I want to burn with the fire of intercession cultivated by spending time with you alone!

With all this to say, please be praying for me that over Christmas break I will maintain the ground I gained in the spirit over these past five months at IHOPU! Pray that Holy Spirit would continue to mold and shape me into the will of the Father even when I find it difficult!
