Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Semester=New Changes

After a very loooooong Christmas break school is finally in session! Being gone from school so long made me miss all my friends quite terribly, which made yesterday such a wonderful day! Now that a new semester has begun that means new classes and new changes in my schedule. First=No more 6am sets in the prayer room :( I am actually very sad that I wont get to hear Justin Rizzo
Second=Being an FMA second semester first year student means your schedule is CRAZY!
Third=I have been placed as a worship leader along with another student for one of the 12 FMA teams. Needless to say I am nervous but looking forward to seeing our team grow together, becoming tighter with one another in musicianship, and praising the Lord with reckless abandon!

Please pray for me this semester! At the moment I am feeling overwhelmed, but I have confidence that the Lord won't leave me. I trust his leadership in this season of life for he is my GOOD SHEPHERD and knows exactly what I need!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thoughts on Christmas break

I have come to realize that I am not very good at keeping up with this blog. Sometimes I forget and think to my self, "what's the point? No one reads this anyways". But then I take a step back. A long time ago the Lord put it upon my heart to start writing a blog, even though I am far from the best at keeping it up to date Im still going to try my best!
These past few weeks have been intresting to say the least. I am currently on Christmas break from the International House of Prayer University in Kansas city. While home I have not been doing to much, mostly resting reading Francine Rivers books and cuddling with my cat. The week of Christmas was very busy! Emily and her boyfriend Will and I went and hung out at our dads house. THe next day on Christmas we started at our house then moved to Grandma's then ended at dads! Not two days later I was then in Kansas City Missouri for the Onething conference with IHOP.
While at the conference I was really confronted with the fact that I have an invitation from the Lord for deeper levels of encounter. This invitation I have taken lightly over these past few months. I go to a school where our central focus is prayer and most importantly having personal devotional time. This is one thing that I have not been doing I'm very sorry to say. Though I have hope! Even though I have not been faithful in the secret place the Lord has been prodding me gently ever so much over these past few months. I feel that I am changing from everything I once was and entering into the woman he has made me to be.
I want to be one that is confident in His love that even when I feel rejection I only have to look into his eyes of love and have hurt and disappointment be washed away. I want his songs to flow through me, having no desire for personal gain but rather to see the advance of his kingdom through his music through my voice.
I want to get lost in the ocean of his affection for me!

So here are a few updates on my baking buisness:
-I designed a menu for my Christmas bake sale!
-Went to my old highschool and talked to the teachers about the sale. Many emailed me and I was very busy baking!
-For Christmas I basically recieved an entire kitchen!!
A Kitchen Aid (Red) Artisan Mixer
And made Apron for the kitchen
Book of Cupcake designs
Special food coloring so potent that you only need to stick a tooth pick into the coloring and add it to the frosting ect. and the color is perfect every time! Good bye to the drop drop drop of food coloring!!
A set of bowls starting from measuring cups and getting bigger :)
A set of measuring spoons that are super cute!
A frosting decorating pen
Heart shaped muffin molds
Little desert cook books
A spatula... and i think that is it for now!

I am excited to get to baking and cooking! Though please pray in provision for this new endvor! God has big plans!
