Sunday, November 21, 2010

Home again, jiggity jig!

This post has been a long time coming. Due to my schedule at IHOPU these past few weeks ( in California for a ministry trip) I have wanted to write many times but have not found the time to do so. I am finally home for thanksgiving break and it feels wonderful! Our drive up yesterday from Kansas City was fantastically fast!! (We only stopped once in 8hrs). One of my friends surprised his family yesterday telling them over these past months that he would not be able to come home for the thanksgiving break. Imagine their surprise when they found him outside their door :) It was a wonderful thing to see a mom who missed her son scream because she couldn't believe her son was actually before her eyes!
My family knew I was coming, so when my sister finally got home from work last night she dropped everything and ran to greet me. After getting hit in the face by her body we continuedto goof off as we talked with her
boyfriend in Seattle. It was a good time. Upon my arrival with friends to my home my mom made us handmade pizza and brownies! What a wonderful mom I have! It is so great to be home and I can't wait to let you all in on the goings on in my life these past few months!

Keep your eyes a banana!! haha seriously though keep watching for more posts!

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