Friday, July 30, 2010

Amazed by His Majesty

On Tuesday night I was on my way home from visiting friends at the college I attended this past year in Bloomington. Since I was in the area I decided to go to the Mall of America and walk around, not really finding what I was looking for, but glad for the exercise. My mom had been keeping me updated on the weather around my area. There were to be storms moving in, I assured her that I would be fine and kept walking around the mall. When I finally decided toleave around 8:00pm I looked at the sky and it was unusually dark for that time of night in the summer. I kept driving with no in climate weather until I reached highway 35E from W 7th St. All of a sudden the rain came down and didn't stop. Now I'm the kind of person who doesn'tnecessarily like storms, however if I am in a safe place I am quite fine. Rain when driving is a different story! I need to see where I am going! Even in the winter I make sure the cariswarmed up enough so I can defrost the windshield. After running into not one but TWOmailboxes as a 16 year old, I am very careful not to make that mistake again!So the rain was coming down faster than the windshield wipers had time to clear it off.
"Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh,Whoosh" they went, wiping back and forth in a feeble attempt to keep my line of sight clear. Praise the Lord for quick thinking and ingenuity (and also downtown exits)
I decided to take the back roads to my house from downtown. The rain was still coming down heavy and I said, " Jesus you have to make the rain stop! I can't see a thing!" A few minuets later, after I got to the street I needed to get back home, I noticed the rain began to stop!
As I looked to the left the sky was a unusual yellow. My first thought was,
"Oh no!! The weather is really bad I need to get home!!"
But then as I kept driving, it was as if the Lord was telling me to look again at the sky, as I did I was captivated! The sun was still shining even
though it had been raining heavily. It was illuminating the sky through the haze of the clouds. It was so beautiful. Then as I got closer and closer to my house I kept thinking.......
"I need to get a picture! I need to get to a place where I can see the sun!"
Imeaditly I changed my course and drove to Central Park, parked my car and ran to the place where I knew I could get the best shot and this is what I found....

It turns out that I wasn't the only one that wanted to capture this majestic scene. Right as I pulled into the park's parking lot I saw an older couple get out of their car and together we walked to the same spot. How faithful is the Lord! How majestic are his ways! How he amazes me!

"He paints the evening* sky with miracles in mind.
My hope will always stand,
For you hold me in your hand"
-Amazed by Lincoln Brewster

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