Sunday, July 25, 2010


What a busy week this has been indeed! After working 25hrs for a family as a nanny, saying good by, then heading to a 3-day youth conference I am so happy to finally be back home! The Lord has given me so much grace with me. He has given me energy and a voice throughout this week which has been such a blessing!

As I mentioned before I went to a youth conference, it was called Fascinate and it was down at the International House of Prayer. It's focus is youth in high school wanting do go deeper with Christ and to grow in their knowledge of him! Let me tell you, even as a youth leader I was impacted powerfully. I have been to the OneThing conference in December with IHOP, but never a Fascinate conference. First of all the worship was powerful! The Lord poured his spirit upon all of us through each of them. We were blessed by worship leaders such as Cory Asbury, Matt Gilman, Laura Hackett, Jay Thomas, Tim Reimherr, and Misty Edwards. Not only was the worship powerful, the teaching was incredible! Praise the Lord for men and women who have taken the time to set aside time and study his word, meditate on it, and then share what revelations they have received!

In our first session Lou Engle spoke about what it means to be consecrated to the Lord; set apart for his glory, to be a Nazarite. The Nazarite vow found in Numbers 6 gives us a deeper look into what the life of a Nazarite looked like. There a few examples of such people in the bible, namely the prophet Samuel and the man Sampson. Both from birth were set aside and consecrated to the Lord. Lou spoke about how the Lord is raising up those in these latter days to be Nazarite deliverers. God wants to deliver us from the sexual revolution that has plagued America particularly since the 1960's. God wants us to break the rebellion in this current age!
Wow this teaching was intense but so awesome! The Lord was really speaking to my heart about ways I could be a forerunner for his kingdom, ways I could be set apart! Mike Bickle spoke about the life of David, how the Lord knew him as a man after his own heart! How crazy is that, to be known by the Lord as one after his own heart! There was so much I was impacted by as each speaker shared what the Lord had put upon their hearts!

Going back to the worship, two songs we sang at the conference really struck a chord in my soul. First of which was the song, "Eden" by Phil Whickham. John Thurlow sang this song and it was simply beautiful. It is a song about going back to how the way things were when God created them in the beginning. Dwelling with the Lord face to face, unashamed! I encourage you all to listen to the song. It can be found on Phil Whickham's, "Heaven & Earth" album.

The second song was called Shekinah Glory. Jay Thomas sang lead the song as Cory Asbury's team joined in. The word Shekinah is Hebrew and basically stands for the "visible manifestation of God's presence"( In the song it talks about waiting for the Lord's presence, how as believers, we want more of what the Father has! Declaring that we want more of his glory to rain down upon us! Ned less to say I was deeply impacted by both songs.

What a blessing it was to attend this conference! It was certainly a divine appointment! I have so much more to tell, but for now I will make you wait. Keep pressing for the Lord, he will draw near to those who are hungry for more of his presence! Off to sleep then more packing and getting ready for the big move to Kansas City, Missouri!!!

-Julia Engebretson

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