Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thoughts on Christmas break

I have come to realize that I am not very good at keeping up with this blog. Sometimes I forget and think to my self, "what's the point? No one reads this anyways". But then I take a step back. A long time ago the Lord put it upon my heart to start writing a blog, even though I am far from the best at keeping it up to date Im still going to try my best!
These past few weeks have been intresting to say the least. I am currently on Christmas break from the International House of Prayer University in Kansas city. While home I have not been doing to much, mostly resting reading Francine Rivers books and cuddling with my cat. The week of Christmas was very busy! Emily and her boyfriend Will and I went and hung out at our dads house. THe next day on Christmas we started at our house then moved to Grandma's then ended at dads! Not two days later I was then in Kansas City Missouri for the Onething conference with IHOP.
While at the conference I was really confronted with the fact that I have an invitation from the Lord for deeper levels of encounter. This invitation I have taken lightly over these past few months. I go to a school where our central focus is prayer and most importantly having personal devotional time. This is one thing that I have not been doing I'm very sorry to say. Though I have hope! Even though I have not been faithful in the secret place the Lord has been prodding me gently ever so much over these past few months. I feel that I am changing from everything I once was and entering into the woman he has made me to be.
I want to be one that is confident in His love that even when I feel rejection I only have to look into his eyes of love and have hurt and disappointment be washed away. I want his songs to flow through me, having no desire for personal gain but rather to see the advance of his kingdom through his music through my voice.
I want to get lost in the ocean of his affection for me!

So here are a few updates on my baking buisness:
-I designed a menu for my Christmas bake sale!
-Went to my old highschool and talked to the teachers about the sale. Many emailed me and I was very busy baking!
-For Christmas I basically recieved an entire kitchen!!
A Kitchen Aid (Red) Artisan Mixer
And made Apron for the kitchen
Book of Cupcake designs
Special food coloring so potent that you only need to stick a tooth pick into the coloring and add it to the frosting ect. and the color is perfect every time! Good bye to the drop drop drop of food coloring!!
A set of bowls starting from measuring cups and getting bigger :)
A set of measuring spoons that are super cute!
A frosting decorating pen
Heart shaped muffin molds
Little desert cook books
A spatula... and i think that is it for now!

I am excited to get to baking and cooking! Though please pray in provision for this new endvor! God has big plans!


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