Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Light and Salvation

Eight months have gone by since my last post! How incedibly fast time flies, what follows is an entry written this past April:
My first year at the International House of Prayer University is almost over, and with the school year ending comes a new season of summer and its dynamics. My worship team is awesome! Every Monday through Thursday from 8am-12noon I am with a wonderful team doing worship with the word and intercession sets. During intercession we have corporate worsihp as well as times of prayer called "cycles" where we have individuals pray "Apostolic" prayers form the Word. Some prayer topics have been Japan, unsaved family members, FMA (our school), New Zeland, the church of Kansas City and more! It has been awesome to learn how to be an intercessor and partnering with the Lord in prayer. I have really been challanged by James 5:16 where it says,
"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working".

There have been times then I leave an intercession set and I feel like nothing changed, when in reality my prayers were effectual and were heard by the Lord. How amazing that the creator of the universe would put so much importance upon the words we say. It was he who used words to "speak" the world into creation. Like wise we as his creation "speak" light and release into an atmosphere and we can have confidence that our prayers were not in vain, they reached the ear's of the Lord and he heard our cry. During a band practice with my worship team I remember singing this verse and was hit with this revelation that we are actually "heard" by the Lord!
"In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears."- Psalm 18:6

Reader be encouraged that the Lord hears you and the very cry you have uttered when you are all alone is heard by the Most High!

An more current update is will follow in the next few days!

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